Thursday, May 20, 2010

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

essenCITY Photo Shoot Completed Yesterday.

I will publish a few of the looks/photos that were successfully completed yesterday for the Essensity Competition on the blog soon. It was a great shoot, fantastic energy, fabulous fashions, and cool eco/theme.
If you like the photos, email me to let me know!

NEW Kevin Murphy Products Coming Out!

The new NIGHT.RIDER styling product for textured, shorter hair, is coming to the salon next week. It just launched in Canada this week. We are excited to try it out and make it part of the KM products on our shelves. It has been highly anticipated for the last few months. The KM salon deal is still on at Hairbydavid only. If you purchase two KM products, get one free. ( of equal or less value) Valid until end of July 2010.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Suitable? :-)

Fast and Easy Hairup

Smooth a low, side ponytail and secure with small elastic. Lightly hairspray pony tail then back comb wildly into it. Quickly spin the fuzzy mess and secure with pins ( make a at least a + sign to make all pins meet in middle) Spray again and go!

Quoted in Trade Magazine May 2010

Monday, May 10, 2010

Summer Hours for Salon

Please take note that for July and August, the salon will only be open a maximum for two Saturdays each month. Please book in advance for Saturdays or plan for an evening appointment instead and make the most of the weekends!

Appointment Request Form is Returning to Website!

Please take note that the removed Appointment Request Form will be returning to the website shortly.

It is an easy way to request appointments via the internet. You can still call the salon directly if you prefer.

( we moved the website to a new host and the page didnt move well )

Salon Pricing and HST

Please note that effective May 1st, 2010, there will be an increase of $3 on each salon service.

As another note, all services at present are GST applicable and as of July 1st , 2010, the new HST will also be added instead of just GST, to all salon pricing. ( GST plus PST = HST at 13% ) (nothing to do with me, honest!)

Hair by David Continues to Go Green!

The salon has been apart of a private industry initiative to keep waste out of landfills. We are charging a 'Green Fee' of $1 per client. The salon pays to recycle our color tubes, hair color foils and all hairclippings. There are many uses for such products in the market today. It is wonderful and creative!
We are also doing our own personal greening at the salon with new ideas coming on board every month. If you have any great ideas, please let us know!

If you would like to view the company we are working with, please view the following website.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Looking for hair models for the Canadian Contessas - a Hairstyling Photography Competition. Please inquire.
Models needed before end of July 2010 latest.

Essensity Photo Shoot Competition Entry-2010

I am looking forward to entering a new photography based, hair competition. A few good friends and I have put together our idea and are ready to shoot for the Schwarzkopf Essensity Competition. We are working on the final photo shoot next week and will present our photo on the blog as soon as we can! Wish us luck!

This Kevin Murphy Hydrate Me Wash is an amazing new shampoo. There is also a Hydrate Me Rinse. This is for dry, chemically treated hair types. It uses all natural ingredients and no parabens. Evening Primrose Oil smoothes and shines the hair.

All Kevin Murphy Shampoo, Conditioner and Styling Products are on sale right now with the following offer. Buy any two products from the KM line and get a third one FREE! ( equal or less value product for the free item) Prices are from $23 to $26 each, including GST and PST. Offer expires July 30th, 2010.

more coming soon....

Welcome to the new HairbyDavid blog!

I am please to announce that this new blog will allow me to communicate better with everyone about salon ideas, sales, vacation times, creative outlets, important information etc.
Please check back frequently as we are going to be starting some new events and ideas at HairbyDavid.